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Automatic Docker Container Updates with Renovate

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Introduction #

I’ve written before about how I started using Renovate to keep my ever-growing number of Docker containers up-to-date. In that piece, I said that I needed to grow my trust in the system somewhat before allowing it to self-merge updates, and in turn allow these to be automatically deployed to my Homelab. Having had Renovate running for a number of months, I finally became fed up of having my email inbox filled up with GitHub Pull Request notifications, and decided to take the plunge on auto-updates!

When researching how to do this, a number of posts I found pointed to the Allow auto-merge setting on GitHub, saying that this was necessary for Renovate to work correctly. For good reason, I don’t want my docker-compose.yml files publically available on GitHub, so my central repository is set to private, which precludes the use of Allow auto-merge. I had resigned myself to continue manually approving every single PR - however, from my testing, it seems that Renovate doesn’t actually require this setting.

Configuration #

The configuration I’m now using is as follows:

  "$schema": "",
  "extends": [
  "timezone": "Europe/London",
  "docker-compose": {
    "fileMatch": [
  "ignoreTests": true,
  "packageRules": [
      "groupName": "all non-major dependencies",
      "groupSlug": "all-minor-patch-digest",
      "matchUpdateTypes": [
      "minimumReleaseAge": "1 day",
      "automerge": true,
      "automergeType": "branch",
      "automergeSchedule": [
        "* 0-3 * * *"
      "matchPackageNames": [

The first important line to note is "ignoreTests": true - if you don’t have any kind of CI process running, then you must tell Renovate that you don’t wish to wait for non-existent tests to finish!

Secondly is the packageRules structure - in my example above I’m allowing the auto merge of any minor/patch/digest updates between midnight and 3am any day of the week. You can learn more about automerge on the Renovate documentation.

Finally, I added a minimumReleaseAge of 1 day. I had an issue with a minor update being pushed that contained a fairly catastrophic bug - this was quickly realised by the developers and the release was pulled, but not before my Homelab had automatically deployed the update! There’s a fine line to be drawn between quickly utilising the latest security updates, and potentially rolling out a broken release - for me, 24 hours is the right compromise for now.

You may also wish to modify a couple of the extends items - I’m not 100% decided on what style of commit messages I want, nor am I entirely sold on pinning to a specific digest.

Conclusion #

I’ve now had this configuration up and running for a few months, and I’m very happy with it so far. All minor updates are automatically merged by Renovate once a day, and Portainer then pulls these onto my Docker Swarm shortly afterwards. Any major updates still follow the Pull Request process, but as I’m not running any particularly bleeding-edge software, these are few and far between.

I’ve only had issues with a couple of packages that don’t seem to follow the correct versioning scheme - Plex being one of them. Unfortunately for these, I still have to manually update every so often.

I hope this helps you keep the maintenance burden of your Homelab to an enjoyable level!


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